Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Light and Shadow

From Mark Kennedy's Temple of the Seven Golden Camels

"So Blogger has been pretty much inacessible for the last 24 least whenever I tried to log in or read the comments. Since I started Blogging over 2 weeks ago I haven't gone a day without posting at least once. Hopefully this will work and I won't break my streak. Still it seems very ungracious to criticize such an amzing and FREE service. How does Blogger do it?

Okay, so there were a couple of requests for more stuff about light and shadow. Many drawing books do a great job of covering this, but these were done by Rowland B. Wilson and seem to be especially geared towards animation layout and story sketch.

Those of you that haunt the same corners of the internet that I do have probably seen the handouts by Rowland on "Layout" and "Painting". But this one took a lot of detective work to find, so I'm betting most of you haven't seen it. I'll post more on this topic later...I've got so many threads started and posts already saved in Blogger that it's getting unreal to keep track of it all! 

I met Rowland when I started on "Hercules". Rowland sat in the cublcle across the hall from mine. I was pretty flabbergasted that this legend of illustration was in a cubicle but Rowland didn't seem to care. He was always nice to me and I wish I had talked to him more before he left the studio. He was a super cool guy and an amazing talent."

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